Monday 17 September 2018

NEA - Locations

The purpose of this task is for you to assess and identify the locations you're going to use for your photography/video.

This task is about the locations i have chosen for the photography of the magazine.

the location i chose for this was Lewis Veryards back garden as it had perfect lighting and suitable backgrounds for the photos i wanted.

a drawback of using this place was the glare from the sun which was effecting the photo as it was interfering with the camera.

the hazards of this location

NEA - Intertextuality

Lesson Objective:

K: The concept of intertextuality.
U: How the concept of intertextuality is used in media texts.
BAT: Analyse media texts using intertextuality.
CO: Use media terminology throughout.

In this post i will be exploring how and why intertextuality is employed in 2 media products and what effect it has on there intended audiences.

Mind Map created by Alfie Sullivan with GoConqr

Intertextuality is used to help sell products while also being successful

Now... Can you find two examples of media texts (pictures for magazines/websites, footage for music video) and explain why it is important for media producers to embrace this concept?

intertextuality can be used within products by placing quotes that link to a poster such as an iconic why so serious quote from heath ledgers the joker.

NEA - Moodboard

Learning Objectives:

  • K: the advantages and disadvantages of using a mood board to inspire content of new media product.
  • U: how different types of images and fonts can affect the way audiences consume media texts.
  • BAT: produce a mood board that illustrates your initial ideas for your media product.
  • CO: Use media terminology throughout.

In this weeks post i will be creating a mood board about the topics for my music magazine

my mood board has given me ideas as to how to layout my my magazine although i will not be using the same template as these.

Made with Padlet

NEA - Product Style Profile

Learning Objectives:

  • K: the importance of sketches and planning in the decision making process of creating a magazine.
  • U: how to use sketches to influence your stylistic decisions.
  • BAT: undertake a creative task in which you start the decision making process in terms of style of your magazine.

In this weeks post i will be constructing sketches in order to make my music magazine the best i can, while also be looking at finding an artist for this magazine.

First concept:

Wednesday 25 April 2018

My Audience

Learning Objectives:

K: about audience segmentation.
U: how audience segmentation effects media products.
BAT: conduct research and create an audience profile for your individual product.
CO: Use media terminology throughout.

In this post i will be searching for my target audience in my music magazine.

5 ways in which audiences can be categorised is: 
Class System 

It is very important for media producers to categorise audiences as they can have a fixed view on what products they can create and manufacture for a specific group of people.

My target audience is 13-18 

My target audience will be more interested in modern music such as pop

In todays post i made a questionnaire in which my classmates answered so that i could gather data to create my music magazine , these results helped me understand what i should add in this magazine. from my data i now know to aim this magazine at 14-15 year old people. 

Wednesday 14 March 2018

NEA - Research

Learning Objectives:

  • K: What the minimum requirements for the preparatory tasks.
  • U: The relevance of each of these tasks.
  • BAT: Undertake preparatory work as prescribed below.
  • CO: Use media terminology throughout verbal and written communication.

Post 1 –  How is media language used in 2 media products to create meaning through constructing representations and following genre conventions?

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Wednesday 7 March 2018

NEA Briefs


  • K: The requirements for each of the briefs set by OCR.
  • U: How to approach the chosen brief, including writing the statement of intent.
  • BAT: Choose a brief and start planning what to write in the statement of intent.
  • CO: Use media terminology (all areas of the theoretical framework) in your written and verbal communication.


- What skills do you already have that can help you produce your chosen media texts?

I can use photoshop at a half decent level and am able to take good photos for certain projects. i also know the layout of many different magazines.

- What skills do you intend to develop whilst working on your media texts?